Friday, June 14, 2019

A innocent child sara

Once upon a time a story about a girl who's name is sara. Sara is a 5 year old innocent child, One day she saw that her parents are fighting to fight and her father badly scolds her mother and is kicked her badly. After that, the days went by and he kept looking at it all. she was scared very badly, perhaps the sara was unable to tolerate a madness just behind in her eyes. It has a deep effect on the mind-brains that it has become very big in a moment. But she was just a 5 year old child, even if she did what she did for her mamma.

It was a long day, seeing such a fight quarrel, Then one day she grew up very quickly and became intelligent.

Perhaps childhood things had put such a deep impact on him that she learned to stay away from relationship, love, attachment. How long did she have to marry one or two days after getting rid of all the things from life. Then her mother explains her every way that every marriage is not unsuccessful, even then like her. Thought laterly After sometime she did her mother for marriage but she kept the condition. After that her mother also gave him yes and accepted his condition. Finally the day came when she got married. Her married life became successful because of her husband. She got a settled and sensible husband.

Friends, this is the complaining of our life or we think that how will our life partner be? If a sensible person meets another person then his/she life will be very happy and peace, if both are alike It is very difficult to cut life, to give life a meaningful sense of life, to live a life. If nothing else had passed in childhood then perhaps she would not have been afraid to marry him, and perhaps her life partner had removed that fear from her life forever and gave him a happy life.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Relationship manner

Relationship is a single word but mean a lot. Relationship became a status in now days, you have always seen social media file i am in relationship, its complicates, i am single, widow, married etc.. But are you seriously know about the meaning of that. If you asked me about that, then i said its word but means a lot when you are in a healthy relationship. Love never hurts you but between in a relationship the feelings of expectation hurt us. When we always says love hurts, imagine in your relationship if you are perfect or your partner be also, the answer occurs that we both are not perfect in a Same  manner but our expectation want to be perfect beside your partner. We never judge ourself may your partner thinks about the same. Save your relationship not even ego, perfection, save your moment never going to search your dreamy life, save your moves never gone be its difficult, save memories, love etc. Save is not part its a feeling when you are in love, you always protect your partners  from the world of life

                         Fly your love in the sky never ever try to be to became in cage. If you try to cage  your love its always hurts you because love wants freedom like a bird to grow up, to love up, to lift up, then your expectation of your dreamy world tooks her place in your manner , in your love, in your respectful life. Always try to surprice your love nor feelings, nor ego and so on..

           Status  of relationship is not important if its important thats your love nor your ego.. If you are in complicated manner then never ever try to be in that kind of relationship status. Enjoy your life in loneliness or in love yourself as always the status of manner you should be.

The way to be happy

The way to be happy is to identify yourself, what is unique about you, that is visible to the world, not you, and that is the way the worl...