Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dont gives a chance

Family what is family? In the earlier life family is the part that bond togather in one thread of pearl who joint us in many ways in many part. We do  not describe who love there family or how or how can be long. I just say a bond of love which gives you not only sheltar, clothes,food its about to gives you respect, love, enjoying with your side too, if they argue they love it not to became hatred about you, why you says? why you do? etc things ... In are further life many of family broken bcause one sided respect, one sided harship, one sided love, one sided enjoy there own way, if both do equally respect,love etc in same  manner then bond became stronger than u cant to do effort anything and no one breaks them but if everything became one sided many people have time to do finger out there family members in there own way.. If have to be decided if you wanted people around you do that or wanted we break there finger out  then do it own there way. We all are busy in there own life but many of them doing that just pull your legs down or interferrance  your life thats why u have to patience and dont give a chance for thoso people. If you are happy in your one sided love so love yourself, respect, courage, hardship, enjoy in your inner beauty plus outer one too whoverever no one saw the way you are.

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